Handbook on work environment

Published in Print Edition of New Indian Express – Mangaluru Desk ( Raghuram Rao – Bureau Chief)

Today, the trends at workplace are changing. It is becoming a home, classroom, facebook page. People are getting to know both the professional and personal side of the person due to the digital age we live in. Handbook on workplace diplomacy, a trailblazer work in the newly emerging complex workplaces in the digital era.

Informal conversations, petty gossips, class jealousy move in vicious circles at workplace and with the people we think we are comfortable with. Foreword has been written by Dr. Simona Marinescu, UNDP Chief Development Impact at the United Nations Headquarters, New York.

Author: Edmond

Dr. Edmond Fernandes is a community health physician leading efforts for CHD Group which is a global public health organization, headquartered in Mangalore, India. He is also a Non Resident Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Council and the US State Department Alumni. He is a Member - Health Task Force, DDMA, Government of Karnataka. Dr. Edmond has authored 2 books, got over 18 research publications and travels around the world for engagements related to global health, policy and humanitarian emergencies. He can be reached for feedback and discussions on office@edmond.in

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