1. Lift operator

With heavy automation being brought up, lift operators have already become a rare entity in many countries around the world. As lift companies continue to push for this automation to the next level, lift operators will soon be history.

milkman - CHD Group India

2. Milkman

In the 1950s ¼ th of people in every country woke up to greet the milkman at the door. With online delivery stores delivering almost everything, the next two decades will completely wipe out the milkman profile from the face of the earth.

Travel agencies - CHD Group India

3. Travel agencies

With online bookings, exceptional discounts and everyone competing for small margins in the booking space, travel agencies with physical employment for staff, especially small outlets are heading for history. Only few online travel booking sites driven and backed by investors will survive the future.

News Paper Boys - CHD Group India

4. Newspaper boys

The site of newspaper boys is already rare, with few and few people engaging in reading. This trend will further decline with new age apps, online newspapers and a fast dying reading habit.

Automated Tole

5. Toll Collector

Barcodes, automation and cameras have taken over the toll collector who could never catch up to this technology. May be in less than a decade, this job will be a thing of the past.

Radio Jocky - CHD Group India

6. Radio Jockeys

With the natural death of walkmans, and some smartphones not providing radio options, with a army of songs available online, the world is slowing moving away from radio jockeys and their commentaries. If you wish to experience, how bad radio jockeys can get, listen to the Farhan jokes on 98.3 FM.

Photo Studio

7. Photo studios

With the natural death of walkmans, and some smartphones not providing radio options, with a army of songs available online, the world is slowing moving away from radio jockeys and their commentaries. If you wish to experience, how bad radio jockeys can get, listen to the Farhan jokes on 98.3 FM.

Free-Online-Course- Graphic Design

8. Graphic designers

Online classes offered to all and e-learning modules becoming easily available graphic designers will be a dying breed as many take to using automation, AI and software to meet their needs for the future.


9. Video editors

Too many softwares now available and free online sessions will cut the cost of video editors completely. With more advanced AI based softwares growing at a speed of light, video editors will no longer be a profession to continue.

Train Driver - CHD Group India

10. Metrorail/train drivers

Automation will ensure metrorail is remote controlled and driverless.

bank - CHD Group

11. Bank branches

Digital technology and online banking is replaying branches as banks wish to make profits so reducing branches helps in cost cutting.


12. Textile staff

With less takers for artistic textile, this field is certain to disappear in coming years.


13. Traditional jewellery stores

It is visibly evident already that there are few takers for jewellery around the world and this further continues to shrink entering a phase of history.


14. Cab drivers in selected countries

Hyperambitious governments are trying to experiment driverless cars and along with multi-national companies, sooner or later, they would get there. This will wipe out cab drivers from the market, in the very imaginable near future.

Author: Edmond

Dr. Edmond Fernandes is a community health physician leading efforts for CHD Group which is a global public health organization, headquartered in Mangalore, India. He is also a Non Resident Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Council and the US State Department Alumni. He is a Member - Health Task Force, DDMA, Government of Karnataka. Dr. Edmond has authored 2 books, got over 18 research publications and travels around the world for engagements related to global health, policy and humanitarian emergencies. He can be reached for feedback and discussions on

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